Strategic Plan Case Study

University of Louisiana Monroe College of Pharmacy


Dr. Gina Craft, Director of Assessment for the University of Louisiana Monroe College of Pharmacy, was tasked with the challenge of managing the progress of the college’s 3-5 year strategic plan. The plan focuses on improving financial stability and increasing the college’s footprint both in the state and nation using three strategic themes: enrollment management, pharmacy practice, and research.

With Enflux, ULM College of Pharmacy was able to better manage their strategic plan of improving financial stability and increasing the school’s footprint with Enflux’s Strategic Plan feature in our recent case study.


Prior to using Enflux, the data management process was hit or miss. With no real way to track the completion of associated tasks or tactics, it was difficult trying to keep up with maintaining performance measures in various areas. Dr. Craft took on the accountability of gathering data and updates herself, saving her documents in cloud storage.

The good news? Leadership is focusing on measures to activate the strategic plan and keep it updated regularly. Enter Enflux …

The Enflux Approach

Dr. Craft has now adopted the use of the Strategic Plan feature in Enflux. It allows her to tag her strategic plan goals and initiatives and leverage the ActionPlans management system to document, track, and evaluate progress on each of her strategic plan initiatives. Using the Strategic Plan dashboard, Dr. Craft and the administrative team can now quickly view the progress that has been made at a glance. Using the comments in each assigned ActionPlan, the team can now request updates, provide feedback or additional resources, as well as send gentle reminders to assignees to keep up with or close ActionPlans that are overdue.

The ability to upload documents provides a centralized way to keep track of updates to the report and gives you a place to find the final report once the ActionPlan is completed. An added benefit is that, since the Strategic ActionPlans are centralized, they can be reassigned to new assignees in the event of a change in role or if they have left the institution. No more searching through emails or cloud storage accounts – everything can be found and organized inside of Enflux.


Enflux-Driven Results

Tracking mechanism helps you to stay on top of strategic goal initiatives.

Closing the Loop: Your activated Strategic Plan in Enflux allows you to keep all related initiative documents in one central location.

Saved Time: Hours of work saved to build accreditation reports.


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