PCOA® Case Study

University of Texas at El Paso School of Pharmacy


UTEP School of Pharmacy requires students to participate in the
Pharmacy Curriculum Outcomes Assessment® (PCOA®) during professional years 1-3. The results of the PCOA® examination reveal trends in student performance, identify areas of strength and opportunity for students, and help determine APPE readiness. Prior to using Enflux, the Associate Dean of Assessment created spreadsheets combining the school-level and student-level score reports (from NABP), per cohort, per year.

With Enflux, UTEP School of Pharmacy was able to share performance data with students and stakeholders easily and efficiently – allowing them more time to delve into data, explore trends, and create action.


It was tedious and time-consuming to pull data into the same spreadsheet and create visuals to support reviews of trends in student performance. Communicating and sharing results was also time consuming and challenging.


Using the PCOA® dashboard and the Enflux platform, advisors can share their mentee’s performance over time in one, simple view. It captures overall student performance, school performance, performance on subtopics, and trends as students progress through the program all in one central location.

Enflux-Driven Results

Saved time and improved communication of results across committees
and teams.

A more secure platform to share, review, and communicate findings with stakeholders.

More time to delve into data, explore trends, and create action without the burden of manually creating reports.

Conversations around the PCOA® results become richer and more fruitful.


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