On-Demand Workshop:

Connect IPEDS Insights to Your Program


IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) offers a wealth of data about institutions across the U.S. and U.S. territories, but how can these same institutions turn that data into insights? Hear from Enflux’s own Head of Assessment and Accreditation, Robin Logan, and Business Intelligence Architect, Jen Jones – who have a combined 40 years of experience in higher education reporting, institutional research, and assessment – as they discuss the benefits of using IPEDS data in your program assessment and planning projects.

Webinar Speakers

Robin Logan

Robin Logan


Head of Assessment and Accreditation at Enflux

Jen Jones

Jen Jones


Business Intelligence Architect at Enflux

Kristin Salinas

Kristin Salinas


Director of Customer Success at Enflux

IPEDS infographic

Watch Recording

Additional Resources

Webinar Slides

Workshop: Connect IPEDS Insights to Your Program

Download the full presentation to learn how you can turn IPEDS data into actionable insights.

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