Veterinary School Analytics

Higher Education Data Analytics

Enflux aggregates Veterinary Schools’ siloed data systems and turns them into intuitive dashboards so you have a clear view of how your program is doing, down to the student level—something you could never dream of doing with an old, manual system. Leverage your data into actionable next steps to improve your students’ veterinary school experience.



Consolidate all of your education exam information into a secure, easy-to-manage location where you can manage users, create committees, and ensure institutional accountability so your school can meet American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) accreditation standards.

Enflux's Actionable Dashboards



Document, track, and evaluate data-driven decisions for team collaboration and accountability through our decision support system. Make committee meetings more effective by communicating through ActionPlans to close the assessment loop.



Easily sort, group, and bundle multiple ActionPlans into a single document: perfect for accreditation reports, committee meeting reviews and personal to-do lists.


Enflux provides accreditation dashboards to measure your institution’s compliance under AVMA standards. Compare and track performance for continuous improvement.

Admissions Reporting

With Admissions Reporting, easily identify students who are a good fit to attend your institution. Drill down into data on key admissions criteria and sort applicants by test scores, gender, ethnicity, geography, and other data points. With a few clicks, generate easily actionable reports for committee review.


Use Academic Advising data to quickly identify students who need additional support. These reports provide in-depth performance data for each student over any period of time – course, semester, or academic year. With this information, advisors can promptly identify and address outcomes needing improvement for their mentees.


Monitor student performance by learning outcomes and assessment grades at the course level or longitudinally over time. Drill down into performance by learning outcomes tied specifically to cognitive domains, like Bloom’s Taxonomy. Improve student outcomes by quickly identifying and targeting specific areas of improvement.


Evaluate the reliability and validity of assessments. With Enflux, you do not need to rely on someone else to build a report nor do you have to be a psychometrician to evaluate your assessments. Our reports provide real-time data to understand how your school’s performance relates to accreditation status, and easily compare findings to peer and national benchmarks.


Make the most of your ExamSoft data and ensure that it is well-governed. With automated data extractions and user-friendly visualization, you’ll have insights at your fingertips. Enflux directly links into ExamSoft, allowing for seamless navigation between both platforms. Identify questions needing revision, evaluate curriculum effectiveness, and positively influence improved student outcomes — all in one place!

American Veterinary Medical Association


The AVMA is the nation’s leading advocate for the veterinary profession. Representing more than 95,000 members, they protect, promote and advance the needs of all veterinarians and those they serve.

Veterinary School Licensing Examination

North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE)


The North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE), administered by the ICVA since 2000, is a requirement for licensure to practice veterinary medicine in all licensing jurisdictions in the US and Canada. The NAVLE consists of 360 clinically relevant multiple-choice questions.

Discover how your school can leverage
Enflux’s academic intelligence to drive student success.